It seems that KaiOS is about to stop supporting WhatsApp, or vice versa. Phones like the Nokia 2760, 8110 4G, or any other brand will stop using WhatsApp
Android 14 is the next version of the Android OS, bringing features such as a Photo picker, themed app icons, language preferences, Notification Flashes, Camera and Battery Life
After a bunch of new features that WhatsApp has added in the last few months, it will soon introduce probably the most anticipated, Well, not all of us
Do you want to invite guests to your special occasion in style? Look nowhere else. You can design unique invitations on your mobile using your creativity and aesthetic
If you were afraid that artificial intelligence would destroy humankind, it seems that you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Instead of getting smarter, ChatGPT may be
As you already may know, the Threads application is available in more than one hundred countries, except in the European Union, due to regulatory disputes. Anyway, this issue
Programs relating to the right to repair (RTR) have been gaining traction lately. Apple, despite its out of touch self repair policy, allows you to repair certain parts
After the final demise of Nokia’s once great devices and services division, many engineers scattered around the world in search of new opportunities. The years of work experience