Two days ago, Flipkart held the first flash sale for the first Nokia-branded Android Smart TV ever made. The TV is at the moment only available in India
Nokia Mobile today held two separate launch events in Italy and India, where the company announced their most affordable Android One device, the Nokia 2.2. Nokia 2.2 is
We had a chance to do short hands-on videos of the latest Nokia devices that HMD Global announced at the #GetSmart event held at Barcelona just before the MWC19.
Nokia 7.1 Plus… sorry, Nokia 8.1 was launched at the Dubai #ExpectMore event, and first hands-on videos and photos taken with the 8.1’s 12MP camera were released.
With the new Nokia 7.1, HMD Global target the US and European markets, pushing design, build quality, screen and camera before the SoC or battery. Considering that, it
The well-known source of Nokia info from China, Nokibar, already got his hands on the new Nokia X5, that was officially announced today. The X5 features a design
This week Nokia Mobile announced three new devices that fill in the lower price segment of the market. We saw the successors of last year’s Nokia 2, Nokia