Nokia Mobile posted three new short videos on their YouTube channel. The videos, similar to the one posted few days ago, promote the new Nokia 7.1 and Nokia
Nokia Mobile posted a new video on their YouTube channel promoting the new Nokia 8.1. I really like the new ad. It explores different use-cases for the Nokia
In the last two years, HMD’s digital marketing department proved itself capable of making well-done Nokia ads, playing heavily on nostalgia, human emotions, or in other words, things
Nokia Mobile started an interesting promo campaign in Pakistan for the Android Go handset Nokia 1. Nokia Mobile opted for a “dynamic” approach, putting big Nokia 1 models
This week, Nokia 7 plus and Nokia 8 Sirocco went officially on sale in India, one of Nokia Mobile’s most important markets. Nokia also became the sponsor of Kolkata
Connecting people has been the main slogan under which Nokia has been operating, whether in the networks department of phones’ unit. For most of folks out there, the
Last week, Nokia Mobile posted 75 seconds long ad for the Hindu festival of lights called Diwali. This year, according to Wikipedia, Diwali will take place on the