Nokia Mobile is at IFA 2023, but there’s a catch
IFA Berlin 2022 saw three of Nokia’s brand licensees (HMD Global, OFF Global, StreamView) take part, but this year, only one of them, HMD Global or Nokia Mobile, seems to be setting foot in the exhibition, and that too not in its own stand.
As per the trade fair’s official website, HMD Global is not present as an exhibitor this time, but as one of the brands showcased by an exhibitor called Brodos AG, which is a Germany-based distributor and service provider of consumer and IT products, including those of Nokia Mobile’s. At stand A105 in hall 6.2, Brodos AG also houses two more companies that deal with smartphones, Fairphone and Bullitt Group, a licensee of Cat (Caterpillar) and Motorola for rugged devices.
Fairphone is focusing on its recently announced “most sustainable phone yet,” called the Fairphone 5. Nokia Mobile will probably keep its first self-repairable 5G phone – the Nokia G42 5G, its second rugged phone – the Nokia XR21, and a few more gadgets from the rest of its portfolio on display.
Apart from that, Eric Matthes, General Manager – Central & South Europe at HMD Global, will be part of a panel discussion about “Solutions for a Profitable Circular Smartphone Economy” on 4th September. In a LinkedIn post, he shared that as a leader in the circular economy space, HMD Global is always keen on showing its approach and its vision moving forward.
Exactly a year ago, the IFA 2022 saw a much larger presence of HMD Global as the company debuted four new devices, accessories, and Circular – the device subscription service. However, there were no new certifications and listings in the months leading to the IFA 2023, hinting at no new launches by the company in the event. There’s the unreleased Nokia Venom that leaked back in March this year, but the company probably wants to keep it in the vault for some more time.