Rumors: Nokia Smartwatch might appear at MWC2020? Certified by Google

Photo: Nokia Steel HR

Recently, it appeared online that an eSIM trademark “SIMLEY” submitted to EUIPO could be connected to Nokia Mobile, which leads to the question – What for can this trademark be used?

Comments below the article from readers suggested that this might be some smartwatch-related trademark, considering more and more smartphones are getting mobile connectivity functionalities by using embedded SIM, which is a chip inside the device that is programmed by the operator, compared to a traditional physical card. The chip is smaller and more convenient in terms of hardware design for manufacturers, so the small space you have to operate inside a smartwatch housing can benefit from eSIM.


Nokia_Anew, a known source of Nokia information online, pointed out on Twitter that the eSIM-raleted trademark SIMLEY mentioned at the beginning of the article is related to a smartwatch and a flagship smartphone. I have high hopes of seeing a Nokia smartwatch at MWC2020, but considering a flagship isn’t expected there, a MWC appearance for the smartwatch is just a wish, not something we found online or we are certain of.

In his tweet, Nokia_Anew also said that a Nokia smartwatch was certified by Google and we heard in earlier rumors that Nokia Mobile previously cancelled smartwatch plans, alongside other accesories. If the device was certified by Google, that means it will most likely run Wear OS. Smartwatches with WearOS didn’t prove themselves on the market yet, but maybe a WearOS breakthrough might happen with a Nokia smartwatch.

What do you think? Leave your thoughts down below. 🙂