In a press release, Nokia announced it is working with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to establish a Centre of Excellence for Networked Robotics. The goal of
A few days ago, Nokia partnered with the YouTuber Mr.Whosetheboss to showcase what the Finnish network gear vendor has been doing in regards to drones. For quite some
For quite some time, Nokia has been using drones for inspection and analysis of the network gear that is installed in hardly accessible places. Apart from using drones
In a recently published video on YouTube, Nokia talks about developing and end-to-end solution for drone management. The video is full of Nokia-braded drones that are used for
You might have noticed that there is some specific connection between Nokia and drones, or how professionally called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Well, find me one person that
On a few occasions Nokia showed how they use drones for inspecting network equipment, smart traffic or as a fast and portable 4G base station. Nokia recently won