Rumor: HMD might revive another legendary Nokia phone?
|Last year HMD start something many of us anticipated. Nokia was back again in the smartphone business with Nokia 6, 5 and 3. Even though we knew about the excellent Nokia 6 for quite some time, the most attention got the 2017’s version of the legendary 3310. HMD said that it won’t stop reviving older Nokia phones, and I remember that some fans asked for a Nokia Ngage or Matrix phone, Nokia 7110 or 8110. The listed FCC document showed that some Nokia feature phone will be arriving shortly so we can expect something like this.
Well, Polish Spider’sWeb portal just released some shots, that by the way look pretty much real, of a Nokia 8110 (2018). If this turns out to be true, tomorrow could be a real spectacle of the HMD’s MWC2018 press event. Nokia 8110 is on a revival wish list of many old Nokia fans and this phone could rise again a lot of attention for the Nokia brand. SpriderWeb said that this phone could support 4G, run YunOS and have a 1200 mAh battery. New Nokia 8110 could also have the Wi-Fi hotspot capability that latest 4G version of the Nokia 3310 got.
It seems to me that, if this is true of course, HMD has a plane to make feature phones that will serve its user not only as a means of standard communication, but also as an internet hotspot. This is cool if you are not a heavy user and don’t rely on Whatsapp or other communication apps.
Guys, what legendary Nokia feature phones would you like to see revived in the future? I’d love to see Nokia 3210 :).
Source: Spider’s Web