#Nokia Technologies granted a patent that enables the use of multiple smartphone displays to work as one
|We are all aware that Nokia was and still is the best in connecting people and devices. In the past 10 years Nokia gave us many possibilities of connecting the devices and their owners, whether we are talking about calls or data transfers. Latest patent filing revealed that Nokia is still dedicated to the connection, and this time in a futuristic connection of the devices. The main idea is to seize the computational capabilities of the mobile phones and try to extend the one thing they lack of, large screen by connecting extra screens of other mobile phones. A main principle behind this idea is touch and drag of a certain thing (photo, SMS, video, game…), and directing it toward other device. To use this method, device would need to know the position of nearby devices and the direction of the drag.
We have seen some similar tech used in series (Hawaii 5.0, CSI, etc.), and also you can find some demos on the internet but there is nothing like this patented for the smartphones obviously. Nokia, actually Nokia Technologies filed the patent back in 2015 and it has been granted on November 1. We don’t know if this kind of tech will find its way soon in Nokia phones, but definitely looks like something that Nokia could use to enrich her new lineup that HMD is going to present in the couple of months.