Nokia Mobile updates the official Update Tracker (19th March)
|Few days ago, Nokia Mobile updated its official update tracker website, where Nokia smartphone owners can check the availability of latest updates for their Nokia Android smartphones. The most recent update was made on 19th March and brings some new info about updates to the table.
Things that are new to me in the Update Tracker table are columns “Security Patch Cadence”, “No guaranteed Security Patch updates after”, and “Cadence Comments”. I don’t know if that was update with this refresh, but in any case, the tracker now shows until when a device will receive guaranteed security updates and describes the type of updates (monthly, quarterly). A new addition could be the Nokia 1.4 as well.
It’s a great move from Nokia Mobile to include the info when a phone will stop receiving security updates and also detailing if the updates are delivered on a monthly or quarterly level. More transparency is always welcomed.
You can check the Update Tracker here.