HMD working on bringing 6 models 

HMD Global already announced its detachment from Nokia and will soon release its first smartphones to the market. The information about them is scarce but thanks to Evleaks we now know they are preparing six models.


Or two models with variations. Those models are Pulse and Legend, and the phones will come in Plus and Pro versions (similar to Samsung Galaxy S phones). So, there will be Pulse+ (clever),  Legend Plus, Pulse Pro, and Legend Pro.

So, there will be a basic model with three hardware variations. It interests me to see how will Pro versions be differentiated from the basic models, with some better camera features, better display, waterproofing or just regular extra internal memory and RAM as seen in HMD’s Nokia models.

Nothing else about these models is known, so let’s wait for Evan to share some details or MWC2024.