Nokia G21 pops up in short video

Official renders of supposed Nokia G21 leaked showing the generic new design with camera module that many other brands have on their devices. The leak of the renders suggest that the phone is almost ready for the launch. However, a video that just showed up on Instagram suggests that retailers are already getting the shipments of this affordable entry level device.

Nokia G21 is making the affordable smartphones better with improved hardware specs, but it doesn’t bring up much for the brand that weas built on innovation and genuinity. The only good thing about the new G21 is the green color and the textured back, which looks similar or the same as seen on Nokia 3.4. That and the dull big chin with teardrop notch are a connection with the previously announced devices.

Anyways, while many oppose the generic camera module design, this is a classic generic ODM phone that, if the price is right, can be a good purchase. Shoot!


Thanks SirFaceFone for the tip 😉