Marcus Weldon is leaving Nokia at the end of Q1 2021

When a board of a company chooses a new CEO, the changes in the management structures are inevitable. The same is currently going on with Nokia after Pekka Lundmark took the CEO position. The next person that will be leaving the company after Barry French is Markus Weldon, the current president of Bell Labs and Nokia’s Chief Technology Officer or shortly CTO. Markus came to Nokia through the acquisition of Alcatel Lucent, but he started his journey as the doctor in Physical Chemistry in the Bell Labs and later became its 13th director.

With the arrival of Pekka Lundmark, a new business strategy and organizational changes of Nokia were announced at the end of October. Nokia will be concentration on four new business groups, each with a new leader, and Bell Labs will be integrated into one. That announcement confirmed that Markus Weldon’s position might be in question, and now the news has been confirmed by TelecomTV. Markus will be leaving Nokia at the end of March 2021, and before he leaves the company, he will help organize a new Strategy and Technology business group that will help Nokia remain a technology leader in the industry. We wish all the best to Markus in his future endeavors.

Interesting times are ahead of Nokia since Pekka Lundmark is shifting the company’s strategy away from end-to-end solutions. I liked Nokia’s previous approach, where they would offer you the finished product for different kinds of scenarios, but that is probably financially not good for the company, and another approach will be tested to keep Nokia in the business. Also, the rapid changes of business toward cloud systems will further push Nokia to new limits. I hope they will still be present in the consumer market, which might be the only real connection of Nokia with the people if software business prevails.

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