Krand 9 Pureview and Brand 5.1 posing in nice color versions
|When Nokia was in the phone business, all the phones were designed and manufactured by Nokia which was a standard 10 years ago. Nowadays, the business has changed, and the phones are being made by ODMs, or hired manufacturers around the world, well mostly around China. Nokia Mobile is powered by HMD Global, which is a small startup, and obviously, they can’t stay afloat with their manufacturing plant, but the information of someone else designing the internals and hardware was kept quiet until recently. Now you can find the prototype Nokia devices with BRAND or KRAND written instead of Nokia and in perfect Nokia letters. Hikari Calyx posted photos of Krand 9 PureView and photos of Brand 5.1. Of course, those are prototypes made by ODMs for Nokia Mobile to check their quality, but apparently you can buy those phones in the far east.
Anyway, while it sounds funny, I like the Krand 9 PureView in black color with the copper accent. Nokia mobile went only with the blue version, which does look cool, but I would love to see other color options like these in the future models of Nokia 9.
Also, I think that Nokia 5.1 would sell like crazy in that copper color.