Nokia, OMRON and NTT DoCoMo to bring 5G to the factory floor


Nokia, OMRON, and DoCoMo revealed that they joined forces to do the Industry 4.0 trial on the factory floor.Nokia is bringing its 5G technology, while OMRON is providing its layout-free Autonomous Mobile Robots or AMR’s.

NTT will provide the network infrastructure and do the 5G trial. The goal is to create stable connectivity between the IoT devices. Also, Nokia and OMRON will do the feasibility of the layout-free production line concept that is relying on AMR’s. This trial should leverage 5G connectivity for real-time training of the robots by using AI/IoT. The machines will be monitored by cameras, and the AI-based system will be reporting on their performance by analyzing their movement around the factory. This trial will show how will AMR’s communicate over the low-latency network with the other connected equipment in the production line.

It should be fun to check the live demo where we’ll be seeing autonomous robots running around the factory, bringing parts to the production line. The 5G isn’t a future anymore, it is a reality, and Nokia sure helped to make it real.

