Nokia Home is now 50% cheaper

If you are receiving Nokia Health news and offers, you probably got the latest offer about the Nokia Home. If you are not, then, Nokia Health offered a 50% discount on its home security system, Nokia Home.

It is a nicely designed HD Home Monitoring Camera that can even tell you the quality of the air in your apartment beside just following the movement in it. There is also a high-quality speaker built in it, so if you are monitoring your kids at home, you can warn them with Godly voice if they are up to something. Also, you can use it as a night light for your little ones.

Anyway, Nokia Health is selling the Home for €199.95, and if you add a HOME_50 coupon, you’ll take 50% off the price. That is an excellent price for Home, but before you go any further, check the web for a review or two. Reviewers weren’t especially prone to this product, but they all said it can be useful as the monitoring system for your child or home. Well, if you are interested in this product, head here and check it out. And shipping is free!


Thx Gagi for the tip 😉