Nokia 4300A 4K TV gets new software update

Nokia logo has returned on TVs once again thanks to the licencing deal Nokia signed with Austrian company StreamView. The company took the brand license for smart TVs, TV boxes and other TV equipment.

Their TVs are assembled in Turkey, and the quality of the product seems to be quite good.
StreamView was super kind to send us a 4K LCD TV 4300A model for a test, and the TV is still working like a charm. TV is running Android 9 currently, which is a shame since their TV box is on Android 10 and working much better. However, you can still stream with no problem and use many apps on the TV.

New update just landed for Nokia 4300A which is 899 MB large. The update is bringing the November security patch, but there are probably some minor bug fixes included since the size of the update is large.

If you own this Nokia TV, check if the update is available. If not, check our review and unboxing video. This is a recommended purchase for 470€.