How To Customize Your HMD Skyline

HMD Skyline may not have the best specs in certain segments, but it does have a sleek design and attractive color options. The designers of Skyline did a great job of evoking the Fabula design language Nokia introduced with the Nokia N9, and even some earlier models that caught consumers’ attention, like the Nokia N8.

One thing I miss from the old Nokia days is the ability to customize my phone with various covers. HMD has partially brought that back by introducing easy repairability to some of its recent Nokia and HMD-branded models. Thanks to their partnership with iFixit, you can buy back covers for the Nokia G22 and G42, allowing you to change the look of these models. You can also easily replace the back cover of the HMD Skyline.

Someone recently did just that, swapping out the black back cover of their Skyline for pink and blue ones. The phone looks great in this color combination! I’ve also considered doing the same with my Skyline, since silicone covers aren’t available in Croatia. However, there’s a cost involved, and the transformation isn’t cheap.

The back cover of the HMD Skyline itself isn’t very affordable. You can order it with the replacement kit, which is a bit more expensive, or opt for just the cover. The back cover is priced at €29.95, and that doesn’t include shipping (€9.80). So, if you’re willing to spend €39.75, you can easily swap the back cover and give your Skyline a fresh look. Also, the price is not the only problem. It seems that black and blue (topaz) covers are not available.

What do you think of the idea?

Thanks to Lemon for the tip!


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