MyNokia Announces Closure of Sites and Social Channels in February

Nokia’s official channel for products made by brand licensees, MyNokia, shared some important news. The site is empowering its brand licensees to promote Nokia-branded products on their online services. They also mentioned that MyNokia channels will be closing on February 7 and expressed gratitude for the support we all provided.

Nokia is further distancing itself from its consumer market history, aligning with their new strategy announced at MWC2023. The future of Nokia-branded products is uncertain since Nokia is devolving the value of its brand in the consumer market. However, products will still be available, for now, though not on official Nokia sites.

HMD has already announced its own site, while Streamview has its own site and webstore. This leaves OffGlobal to create a site for Nokia-branded laptops and RichGo to create a site for Nokia audio accessories.

While this idea might make the brand licensing uncertain, maybe the solution is to make their site with all the Nokia products in one place :).


Thanks David for the heads-up.