Nokia Mobile doing great promotional activities in the US
|Nokia Mobile US is as active as the UK office. There are a couple of promotional activities for US residents. The first is the Nokia Mobile Priority Access Program, which offers selected customers free access to certain Nokia devices (read the terms). This is actually a kind of old Nokia trial programme run by Nokia Connects or rather by the 1000Heads agency. These people even sent me some devices to test and took me to MWC2014.
The Connects people contacted all the Nokia enthusiasts and started chatting with them. Then they awarded those who did amazing things with their Nokia device and gave people the opportunity to test the latest Nokia devices by trying out devices. The community was often encouraged to spread the word about the devices on social media and some members were taken to MWC, Nokia World, CES and Social Media Week. Nokia Connects staff were very good at building relationships with the community, and through these relationships community members had the opportunity to meet Nokia staff, from R&D to product managers to marketing.
Be that as it may, when you join the Nokia Mobile Priority Access Programme, you get priority access to the latest Nokia Mobile devices at no cost to you!
All Nokia Mobile asks for is your honest feedback in the form of a report on your experience with the device. And once you have received a device, you can keep it.
The other promotion is related to the “Back-to-School” promotion that all major manufacturers and sellers of various goods are running. Nokia Mobile is asking its fans in the US to participate in the promotion, where you can win a Nokia T20 and a $250 Amazon voucher!
The promotion is apparently organised by Amazon, because all you have to do is the following:
- Go to Amazon.
- Create a back-to-school wish list (public).
- Fill out the form by clicking on the “Apply Now” button.
- Nokia Mobile will contact you if you are one of the winners.
Sweet! Imagine if Nokia Mobile did something like the first advertising campaign since day one worldwide…. Maybe things would look different now (or maybe not).