Nokia 3.4 and 5.4 receiving July update

Nokia 5.4 vs Nokia 3.4
Nokia 5.4 vs Nokia 3.4

Nokia Mobile released a July security update for Nokia 3.4 and Nokia 5.4. Those rather similar phones came to life together some 2 and a half years ago. This is the final year of the software updates for these phones. The only updates that are going to be received till the end of 2023 are going to be security patches, and July one is ready to be installed.

Here are the details about the updates:

  • Nokia 3.4 |July patch | 24.55 MB
  • Nokia 5.4 |July patch | 14.30 MB
  • Nokia X20 | July Patch | 95.34 MB
  • Nokia XR20 | July patch | 93.59 MB (skipped this one and probably some other)

The updates are received all around the globe so check your device and make it secure.

Update Tracker | Nokia Update Tracker


Thanks to Rupam, Lawrence, AI reviewer and Shakir for the screenshots!