HMD Solution brings all HMD services under one roof


HMD Global, the licensee of the Nokia brand for phones and tablets, has applied for the protection of a new trademark, HMD Solution. The name suggests that HMD is trying to launch a new connectivity service, which is something of a surprise after the discontinuation of the two-year HMD Connect service. The application and the EUIPO office didn’t reveal much about the new brand or service, but HMD’s pages do.

HMD Solution is a comprehensive service intended for businesses around the world. This service is meant to be a one-stop shop that offers everything, connectivity, security and devices. The site is showing all of the existing services being concentrated under a single one. I was hoping for some well detailed case studies to better showcase the idea behind the service, but there are some short explanations of where can HMD solutions can be applied.

For example, HMD is offering a remote locking of assets to protect financing and leasing companies from fraud and theft. That service is called  HMD Softlock. HMD is also offering a service called HMD Enable Pro which gives you the possibility to better manage Android Enterprise Mobility.

Anyway, this new service shows that HMD Mobile is turning more and more towards businesses, which isn’t a bad idea because they really can offer the whole package of services a business needs, connectivity plan, devices and some clever management software for all of that.


HMD Solution

Cheers Eero for the tip đŸ˜‰