How to: Haven’t got update, try this!
The updates for our beloved portable gadgets, whether the basic security or major OS ones are usually released in phases. The update release process is rather complex since phone manufacturers must take care of different market rules and approvals. When a manufacturer announces the release of an update it usually frustrates users when the same one isn’t available instantly for their device.
The same thing happens quite often for smartphone owners and users in smaller regions and markets and I experienced the same now with the Android 12 OS update for Nokia G21 and Nokia T20 tablet. It doesn’t frustrate me that much but I’d love to see how it behaves to write an article that can properly inform you of an update. Well, I do rely on you, the readers that selflessly share the installation and after-installation experiences. However, there is a trick that can speed up the update availability for your device. I was a bit sceptical at first, but after trying the trick for Nokia G21, I can tell you it works.
Our reader MickeyBAus is one of those that wouldn’t receive an update for “months” on his G60, and after doing the VPN trick, he managed to bring his G60 from August to October security patch. Here are the steps you need to do:
- Check if the update has been released for your model, variant or version. Check it here on Nokiamob, or elsewhere, or click on Nokia’s Security page if it is updated with the latest releases.
- install a VPN app, the F-Secure Freedom works well.
- Run the app and choose a location where you know the update is out (for G21 was Finland).
- Turn off the device with the WiFi connection switched off and SIM removed
- Turn back on, ensuring the VPN starts straight away
- In the settings, apps, widen the app list by clicking the three dots top right corner, and selecting ‘show system’
- Find LocationServices and cluck ‘Storage and Cache’, then ‘Clear Storage’
- Also, ‘Clear Storage’ for the Google app, and Google Play Store (under Google Play Services select Manage Space, Clear All Data)
- Reboot, making sure the VPN app is on when Wifi connects
- Now check for an update (reinsert SIM once the update is fully installed)
Mickey found out that Play Store (or at least uses an included API), it’s the main one to clear. The other apps you can clear just in case. This trick worked in Australia with for his G60 where the delivery of 00WW_1_190 just started. The phone previously had 00WW_1_040 dating in July. I can say that the trick worked now for G21, but haven’t worked for T20 most likely because the Android 12 update was released first for WiFi only model.
Do try it for yourself and report back if the trick worked.
Thanks MickeyBAus for showing us the trick!