Many Nokia smartphones getting June security update

It’s been a while since we updated the Update tracker page, so let’s get on track with this massive update tracking post. Many Nokia devices got the June security patch in the past two weeks, and some even got it with new Android Build.

Well, when I say some, I mean just Nokia 5.4 which got Android Build V1.300 that is rather large (1.85 GB). Hopefully that will solve all the issues on that phone.

Folks also tipped and shared screenshots of Nokia 2.2, Nokia 2.3, Nokia 3.2, Nokia 3.4, Nokia 6.2 and finally Nokia 7.2 receiving new security patches. If you hoped that Nokia 6.2 and Nokia 7.2 got June update too, you are wrong since the latest update for those phones is April 2021. But, the rest of the mentioned phone were updated with June security patch.

A slight update here. Nokia 6.1 Plus, Nokia 5.1 Plus and Nokia 4.2 also got June security updates. Here are the sizes of the updates:

  • Nokia 2.2 – 28.10 MB
  • Nokia 2.3 – 23.68 MB
  • Nokia 3.2 – 25.02 MB
  • Nokia 3.4 – 23.45 MB
  • Nokia 4.2 – 25.61 MB
  • Nokia 5.1 Plus – ? (N.A.)
  • Nokia 5.4 – 1.85 GB
  • Nokia 6.1 Plus – 27.06MB
  • Nokia 6.2 – ? (not known)
  • Nokia 7.2 – 6.05 MB

I’ve noticed some strange bugs on our Nokia 7.2, and since June, the update screen isn’t showing the availability text… Well, maybe poor old SD660 can’t take Android 10 anymore. What will happen with it when Android 11 arrives.

Thanks all who tipped, and if we missed some device, do tell so the Update tracker page can be updated!