Nokia store in Russia selling Nokia souvenirs

Russia is a beautiful country, but some strange things can be seen there other than traffic accidents. For example, only in Russia you can open the official Nokia store and find some unseen Nokia accessories being sold there.

If you are a Nokia fan in Russia, you might treat yourself with a Nokia branded Moleskine diary for a 1 990 rub., or almost €25. Since you took your new diary and probably a new Nokia 5.3, it is convenient to take it home in a Nokia branded shopper bag which costs only 499 rub. or a little bit more than €6. Anyway, you can always buy someone a Nokia 5310 and wrap it in a Nokia branded gift bag. The receiving party will appreciate that gesture.

It might sound ridiculous to sell this kind of stuff, but why not. Nokia is not all about smartphones and networking hardware or software, it is a brand, and the brand should be found on various kind of products since that is the way you raise the awareness of the brand.
Or, I don’t know, you could start manufacturing accessories like earbuds and sell those also…

Would you like to have a Nokia branded diary?


Check the Nokia branded souvenirs at the Nokia online store in Russia.

Cheers Nokia Anew for tipping us this one 😉