Rumor: The next Nokia smartphones are Nokia 1.3, Nokia 5.3 and Nokia 8.3

With the announcement of Nokia 2.3 and a recent revelation that the next Nokia 1 is going to be named Nokia 1.3, it seems that Nokia Mobile is planning of dropping the X.2 lineup. According to some sources, the new Nokia phones that we could be seeing soon are going to be named Nokia 1.3, Nokia 5.3, and Nokia 8.3. We couldn’t verify the info, but there is a high probability of this naming scheme according to the source. The same source stated that Nokia X.2 phones are no longer licensed.

The X.2 lineup just gave us the Nokia 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 6.2, and Nokia 7.2, and now it seems a bit late to push Nokia 5.2 and 8.2. It is definitely late for Nokia 9.2, which could be announced at the end of 2020 or early beginning of 2021.

I think it is OK to push towards X.3, but the best thing would be to just loose the decimal numbering scheme and keep it simple, just the series number.