Nokia Mobile Support: Night Mode coming to Nokia 9 camera with Android 10
|We have been hearing about a night mode for Nokia 9 for quite some time. Maybe the reason why this is relatively frequently mentioned is that Nokia 9 gives really good results in daylight conditions, but the night samples aren’t really competitive to other flagship smartphones, unless you tune the settings.
Official: Night mode coming to Nokia 9 PureView with update to Android 10. Congratulations!!!#nightmode #nokia9@sarvikas @stipe1906 @NokiamobBlog @dorso10 @nokia_anew @Nokiapoweruser @mordulj @NokiaMobile @teampureview @Nayan_M_ @DhingraRisha
— Бобовников Александр (@bobovnikovalek) October 23, 2019
At an inquiry regarding night mode on Nokia9 made by @bobovnikovalek, who also posted a really detailed review of Nokia 9 PureView that we really liked partially because of how detailed it is, Nokia Mobile supported responded that the night mode will be released for the Nokia 9 PureView together with the Android 10 upgrade. The Android 10 upgrade is scheduled to come on Nokia 9 by the end of this year.
The support team doesn’t have a 100% clean trackrecord in responding to users inquiries in the correct way. While the support team, in a sense, does represent the company, this announcement doesn’t carry the same weight as an announcement by a mod via the Community Forum or Nokia Mobile / Juho Sarvikas via Twitter.
I really hope the Android 10 update will bring the needed low light improvements to the Nokia 9 camera, together with other system improvements as well.