Nokia Mobile partially redesigns their official website

Since the return of the Nokia brand to the smartphone market, all the official information about the devices can be found at or via the subdomain that redirects to the “/phones” directory. The site did see a lot of interesting design changes since it went live almost 3 years and is currently undergoing some restructuring as well.

Today, big websites can be in fact called web apps because of the complexity and the technology behind them. Usually when maintaining or introducing updates to an web app, that is made in a “progressive” and “incremental” way, meaning that just parts of the site get updated at the same time, not the whole website at once, because that can cause problems that are also harder to track because of the scope of changes.

Anyways, the has been receiving some changes recently. A minor change I noticed with the launch of Nokia 6.2 and Nokia 7.2 is that the way users can see “all specifications” of a device has changed from a hard to spot “plus sign” we saw at the Nokia 9 PureView page to a easier to spot “Full specifications” text the 6.2 and 7.2 pages have, as pictured above.

It’s not perfect and the “full specs” are a bit lightweight missing some details, but the way accessing them is now much better and easier to spot. A major redesign happened at, where more blue color was added, tutorial videos and overall it got a new feel. Users can browse support articles and if you check the “user guide” for individual models, you can see a fresh look as well. The only thing I found missing is the link to download the guide as PDF. Hopefully, that will be added as well.

The page also has a clean and fresh look. It also has enough whites that a dark mode would look awesome on it, so if anyone from Nokia maintaining the site is reading this, do consider. It could be handy, especially on the “blog” section and parts with longer text describing the different technologies Nokia is developing.

You can check the Nokia Mobile website here.