Nokia is among 100 companies to help reduce the global warming trend

Global warming is like 5G networks of the future. For many years we have been listening about the term and thinking it is something that belongs in the future, but it is very much real and reality. Global warming is going to change the world we live in, just like 5G will, and we should do something about it. Scientists are saying that in a hundred years a global sea surface temperature could increase up to 3 degrees celsius. The same thing is going to happen with the lower layer of the atmosphere. This data are very much real, and we are now experiencing a linear trend of sea surface temperature increase in the Adriatic Sea, for example.

 seasonal-decomposition-of-sea-surface-temperature Šolić et al. 2018
Nokia is keen to help fight global warming as they announced that in the press release. The Finns say that they will take action to limit global warming to 1.5°C by using 5G and upgrading hardware. In 2017 Nokia was among the first of 100 companies that committed to reducing emission what is in line with the landmark Paris climate agreement.
As 5G will bring higher speeds to the industry and lower the latency, the whole production process will be more energy efficient by lowering energy consumption. Also, the 5G network is using less energy per bit than the old 4G, which makes it more energy efficient.

Nokia is also doing some R&D research to create greener hardware components for the networks. Nokia’s ReefShark chipset can lower the base station energy consumption by up to 64%, and Nokia’s liquid cooling system of base stations can reduce the CO2 emissions by up to 80%.

Those red hoses are a part of a liquid cooling system that takes the heat away from the base stations more efficiently. Check the video that Nokia shot about liquid cooling.

Nokia is also improving its logistics to reduce travel and emissions throughout the company, which is also going to help to limit global warming to 1.5°C.


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