Nokia 5G FastMile Gateway secured fast internet for the A1 Gaming League finals
|Gamers and the gaming population are sensitive when it comes to some specific things, like having a super-fast mouse, responsive keyboard, a screen with a refresh rate higher than your grandma’s lemonade, and internet so fast the frame rate wouldn’t have a chance to drop below 60. While there are many things specifically designed and built for gamers by various manufacturers, fast internet can be made by just a few companies. Nokia is one of them, and to show how gamers can benefit from superfast 5G networks, Finns provided their Nokia FastMile Gateway together with the customer-premises equipment (CPE) for A1 Gaming League finals. The finals were held at Aniventure Comic Con 2019 in Sofia. The players there were impressed by the low latency network that Nokia and A1 provided for them.
These FastMile 5G Gateways look like a pimped up Beacon 3 we just got for a test. Gateways not only can provide a 5G network to the enclosed and crowded areas but can withstand a great load of data coming through them. I’m not a gamer, but this must have been fun. Currently the 5G FastMile is being offered by Finnish Telia and Elisa, and obviously the A1. Somehow I think that before the 5G network increases its signal coverage, we’ll be seeing more of these 5G Gateways that can bring super fast WiFi internet to our homes.