HMD: We’ve listened, we’ve taken action and we will soon roll out official Android Oreo

HMD’s CPO Juho Sarvikas announced on Twitter that HMD collected valuable feedback and implemented necessary changes to Android Oreo for Nokia 8, thanks to the participants of the Beta Labs program. Juho said that over 2000 Nokia 8 users joined the beta, and that HMD is ready for a soon Android Oreo rollout for everyone. By everyone, I think he means for everyone owning a Nokia 8, but there are some good news for owners of other Nokia smartphones, too.



In a reply to the question about Android Oreo beta program for other Nokia Android smartphones, like the 3, 5 or 6, HMD’s CPO said: “Yep, [we are] almost there!” I don’t really know if “soon” is closer (in regards to time) compared to “almost there”, but owners of all Nokia Android smartphones will have (and we already do) the luxury of receiving and testing future updates, and in a highly-fragmented Android world, this is a brave and excellent move by HMD.