HMD Mobile launched in UK. Bundled with Nokia X20 and Nokia 3.4

At the last month’s announcement of new Nokia smartphones, Nokia brand licensee HMD Global also announced their virutal mobile network operator service – HMD Mobile. The first market where the company will offer their telecom service is the UK and today the Finns started selling their SIM cards bundled with the Nokia X20 and Nokia 3.4.

On the UK version of Nokia Mobile’s webshop we can find the “Phones with plan” section. The new Nokia X20 comes bundled with a 15GB data plan, with unlimited calls and texts EU data roaming at no extra cost. The plan is £15 per month, which doesn’t sound bad. The bundle is sold at £319.99 with 90 promo days of HMD Mobile 15GB plan. The Nokia 3.4 bundle costs £149.99 and comes with a 10GB, offering same calls, text and EU data roaming benefits. The standard monthly price is £13, but you get 3 months for free with this Nokia 3.4 bundle.

I didn’t manage to find if it is possible to order the SIM outside of the bundle. All details about HMD Mobile can be checked out at their official website. If you are interested in the Nokia X20, you can check our review here.