After some delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nokia Mobile is finally ready to launch new Nokia smartphones tomorrow. As a habit, the company’s Instagram handle teases photos captured using one of the unannounced Nokia device. These photos are taken by famous nature photographer Konsta Punkka (@kpunkka), the same guy who took the Nokia 9 PureView marketing materials ahead of the launch.
Looking at it, the photos don’t look that spectacular it’s a tree after all. The image looks sharp (ZEISS lens?), and the bokeh of the background has great blur transitioning. That’s pretty much it. But it gets more interesting once you compare the two photos.
The first photo posted looks like it was taken using a wide-angle camera, while the second photo looks a little tighter, hinting a more limited FoV. While the wide-angle camera has become a popular feature for a smartphone nowadays, we don’t think there are any phones yet that offer portrait mode using this lens. We could be wrong though, so feel free to tell us in the comments your thoughts and guesses which phone might this be taken with, Nokia 8.3? 🙂
By the way, the launch will happen tomorrow, 4:30 PM GMT. YouTube link embedded down below.