Video: Recap of Nokia Mobile’s Let’s Talk design event

Nokia Mobile has recently focused more on its Community Forum by organizing QnA sessions, competitions and even meetups with fans, to discuss how to improve Nokia devices. The latest meetup, that is also the first in the “Let’s talk” series, was organized in India with the main theme being design, an important part of Nokia phones.


Nokia Mobile also posted a video recap of the event on the Community Forum, that was shared via the official social media accounts. The thread on the Community Forum also included pictures of attendees of the meetup and Nokia Mobile’s designers and executives.

I was excited to check out what was discussed at the meetup, considering smartphone design, always constrained by the laws of physics and technical requirements, is a interesting topic to talk about. Especially with people from the industry. So, you can guess that I was a bit disappointed that more details about the event weren’t shared.

While the attendees of meetup surely learned a lot and Nokia Mobile received quality feedback, I’m sure – sharing some findings and conclusion with the greater public would grow even more engagement about this topic.

If any of our readers were at the meetup and want to share their experience, leaving a comment is highly encouraged. 🙂