Nokia and Sendai City test drones in tsunami disaster scenario

A few days ago, Nokia partnered with the YouTuber Mr.Whosetheboss to showcase what the Finnish network gear vendor has been doing in regards to drones. For quite some time Nokia has been mentioning drones and how they use them in network inspection, and our Marin back at MWC19 even asked the people at Nokia why didn’t they have drones flying at their booth and they said they didn’t get a permit from GSMA to do it.

In a recent press release, Nokia announced that it successfully tested drones in disaster scenarios with the city of Senda in Japan, that was hit by a devastating tsunami back in 2011. In a disaster simulation, Nokia drones used speakers to guide survivors and broadcast emergency messages, and thermal and HD cameras for monitoring.

For this test Nokia set up a private LTE network using its “plug and play” digital automation cloud technology. Nokia’s 4G mission critical network is ideal in such situation because it’s fast to set up and more secure (and reliable) than WiFi.

Drones can often go where evacuation teams can’t and Nokia’s dron is even capable of delivering smaller packages, which can be extremely handy is such worst case scenarios.

Source: Nokia