Video: Demo of Jolla’s Sailfish
|Jolla announced the third version of their Sailfish OS which is available for download as an early access version. The full update will be available for all the devices in the coming weeks, but till then we won’t be able to check it officially. Thanks to the Jolla community, there are some hands-on videos of the newest OS version, and down below you can check the best one I could find on YouTube. It shows the new UI changes, new ambiances and little things that will make users of this OS happy. The demo is made on Xperia X device.
Last time I played with Sailfish was back at MWC2014 where Jolla presented their first version of it, and I must say it was something different. Actually, some things came from MeeGo, but mostly it was its advanced version. Sailfish is now full grown OS that still kept its originality even though the toggle down menu kind of pushed it toward Android. Well, nothing is perfect and Sailfish relies on Android apps to generate ecosystem diversity, so some common things are acceptable if Android users are gonna cross to it. Do tell me how do you like it.
P.S. C’mon HMD, cooperate with Jolla guys to bring Sailfish on Nokia devices.