Nokia 7 plus got the EISA Best Consumer Smartphone Award (2018-2019)

If you’ve been following us for a longer time or spent some time in the Nokia community on social media, you should have noticed by now that Nokia 7 plus is probably the most loved phone HMD Global announced. It packs good specs and has a solid design at a relatively good price point. The phone was also universally praised in reviews and most customer feedback, as far as I can see, is positive. My experience included, considering I used it in total for a month and a half (which isn’t a long period, but was quite happy with it).

EISA, or in full – “Expert Imaging and Sound Association”, awarded the Nokia 7 plus with the “Best Consumer Smartphone” award for 2018-2019. The last time I can find a Nokia smartphone got an EISA award was in 2012, when Nokia 808 PureView got the “Mobile Photo Achievement” award (article from from back then in Croatian).

I usually judge a device more from consumer feedback and personal experience, than from different awards it gets, but it’s nice to see that the Nokia 7 plus also got recognition from “experts”. Considering the last Nokia device EISA awarded was 6 years ago, it’s a good sign. Also, EISA was previously known as “European Imaging and Sound Association” but later spread to include more categories and experts from other parts of the world.

Source: EISA