The new NokiaMob in English

Nokia reborn

Hi guys, this is a brand new blog about Nokia products, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, space ships, and whatever Nokia may produce in the future.

In some way, aims to become the English version of the famous blog written in Croatian language, which covers the Balkan region (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and then some).

In a few days, we will start writing about new, reborn Nokia, risen from ashes, after being buried by dark forces. The blog will mostly cover Nokia, and her businesses related stories around the world, so Nokia aficionados and all interested in this company could get valuable info. will still be active and publish even more stories coming from the Nokia sphere.

You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook for the news and reviews of devices and apps you can find at our YouTube profile.

Once again, welcome to the Nokia world!