Latest Nokia Health Mate app update sorted out connection problems

Nokia updated its Health Mate app after many users of Withings smart gadgets noticed some issues in app functioning. Problem was mostly with iOS users that couldn’t synchronize their gadgets with mobile phone.


I don’t understand how a simple re-branding of an app can cause such problems. Reason could be that Nokia changed a lot of things in app and are preparing to add even more features as they stated in the official note. And that is what I love with Nokia, a direct relationship with users of its products, and fast response to the problems. This is what Nokia was before, is now and hope it will be in the future.

If you would like to follow all the news updates about Nokia Health gadgets, check Twitter account @NokiaHealth. Everything else you can find at their official page

Latest version of the app you can fing in Apple’s iStore and Google Play.