Android 16 is coming much earlier than expected

This year, the new generation of Android OS is coming earlier than expected. Google representative said that Android 16 will be announced in June, in a conversation with the Android Police team. The company recently confirmed that the upcoming final version of Android is on track to meet the planned deadlines.

Sameer Samat, president of the Google Android Ecosystem division said that Android 16 is on track for a June launch. The company has accelerated the development of the next major upgrade and intends to introduce it by the end of the first half of this year.

So far, Google has been launching the new version of Android in the period between August and October.

The reason for an early generation shift lies in Google’s development changes to the Android development team. They launched a new process for the upcoming version of Android called “Trunk Stable”, which greatly accelerated the writing, and merging of the code.

According to official statements, the Trunk Stable technique is far better than previous methods and in theory allows the launch of a new generation of the operating system more than once a year.

If this trend continues, in the coming years we can expect new versions of Android more often than once a year as before.