“Post of #Russia” to buy 15,000 #Sailfish smartphones

The Russian postal service announced that it chose to buy 15,000 Sailfish-powered INOI R7 worth €2.7 million or €180 per device. Jolla struck a deal with the Russian government and they declared the Sailfish OS as the official OS for Russia’s institutions.

INOI is a Russian manufacturer that introduced the R7 at MWC this year. The device comes with a 5-inch HD screen, Snapdragon 210, 2GB RAM, 8MP camera and 2500mAh battery. The OS that runs on the phone “Sailfish Mobile OS RUS”, which means customized for Russian market. The price is about €180.

Jolla was founded by ex-Nokia employees, after Nokia quit MeeGo, the Linux-based OS co-developed with Intel, that appeared on the iconic Nokia N9. The guys from Jolla used their expertise to create a new OS on the remains of MeeGo, and after failing to push it broader to consumers, they decided to focus on governments that don’t want to use operating systems made by American companies, and as Wikileaks proved, with a backdoor for NSA.

We are very happy for Jolla, and hope more countries will adopt Sailfish. They are already under negotiations with China and rest of the BRICS countries.

Via: SuomiMobiili.fi

Source: Vedomosti.ru