10 batches of #Nokia 6 sold in #China to date

The 8th batch of Nokia 6 4GB+64GB and the 2nd batch of Nokia 6 4GB+32GB were sold out today in China via the webstore JD.com. That makes 10 sold batches of Nokia 6 overall in China in less than 2 months from the sales start. The exact number of units sold is not provided, but we know that over 32,000 buyers reviewed the products, so at least 32,000 units were sold, but the real number is probably higher. Shipping will take place from March the 17th.

JD.com: Nokia 6


Both #Nokia 6 versions sold out at JD.com

#Nokia 6 with 32GB memory for 1499CNY on JD.com; 6th batch of regular Nokia 6 sold out