Nokia G20 and Nokia T20 tablet getting Android Build updates
Readers are reporting that Nokia G20 and Nokia T20 tablet are receiving new Android Build Update. One of the frequent tipsters, MickyB Aus, reported his Nokia G20 receiving a new Android Build V1.8980. This new update is 590 MB large and is bringing a November security patch. He received the update after clearing the Play Store and Services data.
The update fixes the Google Play System (project Mainline) update being stuck in August. Now it finally comes to October. These are direct to phone security updates and you can find them under system/security.
Nokia T20 is also receiving a new Android Build update V1.150 after receiving V1.130 relatively recently. The new Build is 392 MB large and it is bringing November security patch and some UI improvements. The update is now live in France according to the tip.
We are not seeing the update on our T20, but as soon as it comes, we’ll check for the improvements.
Thanks MickyB Aus and Samfichier for the tips 😉