SIMLEY trademark officially registered, hinting at eSIM gadgets from Nokia Mobile

Back in February of this year, it was spotted on European Union Intellectual Property Office that HMD Global, creator of Nokia phones, submitted a new trademark for approval called SIMLEY. At around the same time, a rumor appeared that the company is working on a smartwatch and a flagship device that should use the eSIM instead of the legacy SIM card, and SIMLEY might be the name of Nokia Mobile’s eSIM solution.

During the online announcement of Nokia 8.3 5G and Nokia 5.3 in late March, Nokia Mobile also announced HMD Connect – company’s global roaming solution for users of all device, making HMD Global some kind of an operator/carrier allowing customers to order HMD SIM cards for global roaming. It is ironic that this feature was introduced in a period where half of the planet was locked down and basically all travel was restricted.

So, SIMLEY and HMD Connect seem to be two different products. Or maybe SIMLEY was the name for HMD Connect but HMD didn’t get the trademark approved in time? In any case, EUIPO approved SIMLEY as a trademark owned by HMD Global on 25th June 2020 (today), opening the doors for the licensee of the Nokia brand on smartphones to use the trademark on new products.

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The question is what will SIMLEY exactly be and when will we see it? The patent categories do include a lot of stuff, including SIM, payments, insurance, etc. If some upcoming Nokia gadget will use eSIM why complicate stuff by throwing in another name? Unless it’s some dedicated cool solution? For the current eSIMs, as far as I am aware, your operator has to program the chip inside the device, which makes switching from one operator to another a hassle (maybe impossible in some scenarios), and maybe HMD’s SIMLEY will offer an easy way to do that? What do you think? Tell us down below in the comments. 🙂

Source: EUIPO